Love is Thoughtful…


Day 4 was the day he came home and technically he didn’t get home until the wee hours of day 5 but we will count it. There was also a little day 3 smashed in there since he could not receive the gift I got him until he came home.

Earlier in the day I had made sure to get in my day 4 challenge and call him just to see if he needed anything. I called, and surprisingly he answered, so I was able to ask if he needed a ride home from the airport. I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to let me pick him up, if nothing else because he was getting in late and the kids would be sleeping.
So I put on his present after the kids had gone to bed and fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to get home, or more accurately/currently, to my house. He pulled up close to 1am and I was hoping he would notice his gift right away, but he was all a-buzz with travel excitement. He did however talk to me about his trip which was nice. He called one of his friends to talk to them as well (this friend also happens to be my cousin so I couldn’t be too bothered by this). He still hadnt noticed the new nightie so I changed into sweats at this point and dozed off. He was still wide awake and put in a movie and sat down next to me, as I was of course, curled up on the couch. At some point he woke me up and told me I should go lay down in bed, sagelit you should be happy about this one hehe.

This morning I had a little time at home with him as I went into work late. I asked him if he had noticed the present I had gotten him and he stared at me with a look of bewilderment. I brought it out (I did not put it on) and showed him, telling him that I had it on the night before and was hoping he would notice, but understood he was busy unpacking and was all amped on travel juice. He swore up and down that I did not have that on when he came in and we both laughed a little. He then asked me to try in on for him, which I did 🙂

This is the progress we have made so far, I have gotten better about constantly needing to know where he is, what he is doing, and have him immediatly respond to me. It’s still hard don’t get me wrong. I absolutely HATE to be ignored so it’s a struggle to just go on about my day when he doesn’t respond, but I’ve been working on it. I no longer feel that he hates me. The loving feelings have not quite returned but at least the anger seems to be gone. Also he has spent the last 3 nights at my house. Not counting when he was out of town, and of course there has been convenience reasons for all of them but at least he is no longer refusing to be near me.

Today’s challenge is looking to be a little bit of a struggle. I am supposed to ask him 3 things he would change about me if he could. I feel like this would be a hard one for men. They have to feel like this question is coming at them in the same way a “do these jeans make me look fat” question would. It doesn’t matter if you say, “it’s ok I won’t be insulted”, they feel like they are walking into a trap. So I have asked the question and explained that by answering he will be helping me be a better person, mother and partner. Now all I can do is hope he answers and if not I can pretty much assume what his top 3 things would be. I will just use those and start focusing on changing them.

Tonight I am going to see if I can encourage him to watch a movie with me, wish me luck and more tomorrow 🙂