I am Anti-Feminism.


I know plenty of women who consider themselves feminists. Let me start out by saying first and foremost, this is not a judgmental post. One thing I believe above and beyond ANYTHING else is that every person on earth has the God given right to believe whatever they want, even if they don’t believe in the God that gave them that right. We, as humans were given the ability to think freely and with that ability come choice and opinion. My opinion is just that. I would never try to force my beliefs on anyone else. Don’t get me wrong, I love indulging in friendly, educated debate with those that have different views, but I never intend to change the minds of my fellow humans.

That being said, I have a few very strong beliefs that I base my life choices around. One, I believe in God. Two, I am anti abortion and believe it should be illegal unless the pregnancy threatens your life, as I see abortion as murder. Three, I am a right wing conservative who believes in small government and the constitution. Four, I am firmly against feminism and here is why….

I would have fit in perfectly in the 50’s, I definitely thing I was born in the wrong century. I would love nothing more than to be able to stay home, spending my days, cooking, cleaning and home schooling my children. The pride I would feel being able to to provide my hard working husband with a hot meal as he comes in the door would surpass any feeling of “independence” I get from going to a job everyday. As it stands currently, my hubby stays at home with our kids and I work full time. It was not by choice, it happened that I came upon a position right after the company he worked for went out of business. I absolutely hate the fact that I do not get to be home with my babies all day, that I can’t spend the days volunteering at their school and going on their field trips, taking them to day camps, etc. I am lucky enough to have a job where I can take a lot of time off to be able to do a lot of these things but it’s not the same.

Secondly, I’m sorry and I know this will tick some people off but women and men are not equal. We are different beings….men and women are not only physically but emotionally different. Apart from the rare exception, men are stronger, their physique is designed to do manual labor and protect their families. Women are designed to have and care for babies. So when I see women fighting to be able to participate in different clubs, etc that were created for men, it makes me angry, ESPECIALLY when women have their own version of said group. Why? Why do they need to be in the men’s club? Is the female version just not good enough? Isn’t that saying that females are inferior? You are too good to participate with other females? I just don’t get it. If you haven’t noticed by the way, generally when there is a big uprising about some woman fighting to get indicted into some men’s sport or men’s school and they do actual win the right to join, they end up quitting….why? oh because they couldn’t cut it. Why? because it was designed for MEN! Yes I think men and women should have the same opportunities but that does not mean they have to be combined!

This one is always controversial but probably my strongest belief. While yes, as women we should have control over any choice regarding our bodies, if another life is involved I believe that choice goes out the window. Go ahead, make all the choices regarding your breasts, your insides, your outside, your birth control or your lack thereof, but I firmly believe if there is a heart beating inside you that is not yours, it is no longer your choice. A) the human that is growing inside you should also have a choice B) the other half of the genetic code that makes up the human growing inside you should also have a choice. Yes, you have been giving the amazing opportunity to be the vessel that human gets to grow inside but to suggest that you are some sort of God that now gets to decide the fate of people is not only selfish but completely outlandish. If being a feminist means I must be ok with murdering what could be the doctor that one day finds the cure for cancer, I’m out.

I could go on and on about this subject for hours but I will leave it at those main points of venting and this one final quip…I like my bra. If nothing else, I could never be a feminist because I am rather well endowed and going without would be dangerous for all in the general vicinity of me. This was a joke by the way, I don’t know if feminists still do the bra burning thing, but that really would keep me out, even if I did agree with their values.